Wednesday, April 23, 2008

back in action

So, after a ridiculous gap in postings, I return to say "I'm alive".

Berlin was a great book. The smooth, subtle transitions between characters helped the thing to flow like the Rhine after a storm.

The only thing that really confused me was the similar look of every single character. I feel like a lot of side character threads get completely lost in this because everyone looks exactly the same. I'm unsure, for instance, if the frozen beggar the police found on p.162 was the man who went to war with Marthe's brother or not. I speculating that he is, though none of the rest of my Monday group seemed to have noticed that. Maybe I'm just going crazy, skewed by the clever little connections in Watchmen, linking any character with a thin resemblance to any other character ever to appear. Hey, wasn't that guy on the street corner once before? I swear to god, he's SO familiar! It's like I KNOW him!

With that, I'm going to go print my rough essay draft.

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