Wednesday, February 27, 2008

two random thoughts on V for Vendetta

I love the clever wittiness of the “vicious cabaret” song which begins book two, how it recaps what’s happened thus and shows us where most of the surviving main characters are at this point. I kind of felt like I should’ve been singing, but my roommates already think I’m crazy and I don’t think enigmatic tunes of anarchy would help.

The state of women within the fascist society of V for Vendetta seems to have degenerated significantly. We see this almost from the beginning with Evey trying to turn to prostitution to get her out of the matchbox factory and then again with Almond’s widow, who initially allows him to shove her around because she needs his support. After he’s gone, so is the safety net. In the song and her later monologue, we see she’s suddenly on her own and desperate. We also get a sense of the domestic isolation of a pre-60’s housewife.
Also, Roger Dascombe is a sleaze.

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