Monday, March 10, 2008

stuck rubber baby

Fifty-five pages in, I still don’t quite understand the title, but I like the book. The whole world seems slightly caricaturized in both the artwork and development of any non-major character, though not quite. I like the character of the crazy town cop and the approach everyone has to him. It seems to be a kind of laid-back small town thing to keep people like that in power, even when they’re an embarrassment to your town. The way he’s used to draw in media attention is fantastic. In the tiny town where my dad teaches/is semi-retired from teaching in, there’s a guy on the school board named Cricket (I went a whole year thinking that was a nickname, but it’s not), who got there purely because his dad’s some city official and who seems only to formulate terrible ideas. He reminds me of Chopper. He got some local press during the teacher strike a few years back, though gaining local press never means much. Prize chickens garner local press coverage on slow days. I have actually heard groups of teachers talking about what “that ‘ole Cricket’s up to now” on crowded back porches over venison hors d’oeuvres. What he’s actually up to at this point is anyone’s guess. I think he might’ve gotten arrested for something inane, but don’t quote me on that.

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