Monday, March 24, 2008

back from break

So I made through roughly a chapter of Stuck Rubber Baby over spring break (chapter 15 to be exact, with a total of seven people streaming by asking random questions to people in my room or getting ready to go sleep). Finishing it in the quiet of my own room was weird last night, but I did it and I harbor the sleep deprived glossy stare to prove it.
I loved the book. The only part that caught me by surprise, though, was the ending with Orley. I may or may not have cried a bit. The rest of the stuff had such thick foreshadowing prior to every event that I spent more time desperately wanting to be wrong than being blindsided by accidents, deaths, and the pregnancy (spoiler alert?).
The ridiculous chipmunk faces still bother me, though I've gotten surprisingly used to them and that worries me.

Also, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh minicomic!

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